ss_blog_claim=27c167cdb8f8a240a14959527b4317db Trolls, Flame Wars & CyberStalkers: 1. Examples Of Cyberbullies
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Case# 1. Examples Of Cyberbullies

Cyberbullies Crave For Attention

Before the Internet the bullies we personally knew or had heard about, were probably few in our daily lives. Many times we could see them on the playground as children (this is where it usually starts, in childhood) pushing and taunting another smaller weaker child with the friends in the background laughing and egging the bully on. They would probably tell the bully after the attraction was over "How cool he or she was?" Which was exactly what the bully needed to hear, as it feed his hunger for attention. Some of the buddies would go home and feel bad about what had happened to the victim, but would never utter a word, as by doing so, they could be targeted as the next victim, and that's a very scary thought.

Then the Internet came available, which became a power tool for bullies, and the new term became known as Cyberbullies. And they could prey on as many victims as they wanted, and it was like Christmas everyday! With the world literally at their finger tips, they could search and find as many victims needed to fill their hunger of attention. (personally, I don't think they ever get full!)

Yet, they have one minor problem to resolve, and that is finding followers, as they must have a crowd. Then they have to convince people that they are wonderful, or how important they are, and exaggerate to manipulate people into believing just what they wanted people to believe about them.
And then the games begin! For example, here and here one would never think if you fell upon these site that they were cyberbullies, until after you became a victim yourself with their wrath. They are very good at what they do, and can fool even the best. Cyberbullies go after anything and everything they do not like, or agree with, or for no reason at all, and could care less who gets in the way, or who they hurt or destroy. ( in some cases~lives, businesses, families & even suicide). And victims are easy to find. Usually these cyberbullies have more than one victim they are chewing on at the same time, and skip back and forth to them, making sure no one was left out. Sadly, many times we become the victims just by responding to them. Where, if we had not, there is a chance they would go away due to hunger. On the flip side of the coin, they would continue to feed on a victim even if the victim ignored them. Especially if a comment section continues being fueled by their cyberbully friends, while the comment section fills up with anger and hate, smearing, ugly name calling, out right blatant lies, degrading, mocking (this list could go on and on) of the victim. Many times the victims want to respond, yet can't, because a private party is going on and the victim is not invited to join, but just to read (the bullies love that part!) A good example of that is here. They have no conscious at all concerning the victims, and as far as they are concerned, the law does not apply to them either. The only thing they are concerned about is the attention they crave, and sadly attention grazing means victim hunting.

For example Cicero from ToThePeople, decided that he did not like the idea that Sandra Phipps from Fight Bigamy supports a petition to set up a National Marriage Data Base, which "will ensure that the prevalent crimes of bigamy, fraud, embezzlement, and identity theft will be harder to commit against the people of this country, and the sanctity of both religious and civil unions will be protected." Of course this is going to be a debated subject, as any new law before passed will be debated on the pros and the cons. That is what makes America so great! So, instead of being mature in the debate, Cicero fueled a flame war rampage full of hate, sex, foul language, lies, smears, etc. here aimed straight and directed at Sandra. (If you take the time to read all 77 comments, expect to be their awhile.) In the comments section, you will also read were she is berated for being stupid and not seeing any red flags before getting into a bigamist relationship. Come on people, the phrase "He/she swept me off my feet" was not coined this for no reason. Bigamist are very good at what they do, and they appear honest and caring, romantic and treats the ladies as if they are the most important thing in the world to them. These ladies hearts tell them that they finally found the real man for them. And hearts that are good and caring and loving are vulnerable, and everyone has been vulnerable at one time or another. (Well, people who have hearts, which we can usually exclude the majority of the bigamist from.) Not only that, but on the chance that any red flags did come up, bigamist are highly skilled into conning and manipulating the victim toward a comfort level. If the victim questions about the bigamist about their job (since they have to go away so much with their glee of skipping to one wife to another) they can and do give the excuse that they work for the FBI or other secret job, and they cannot talk about their travels, and they are just going to have to trust them. Also, the story that they are in sales comes up a lot, but always insuring their victims that they can reach them by cell phone. (another great tool for the bigamist as they can set the ring tone for each separate wife) The traveling sales job lie often works great, as it helps the bigamist with his goal of wiping the victims bank account clean as they can use the excuse that sales are not going very well, and play the "poor me depressed role". The victim is going to want to help as they love the bigamist.

And of course the subject of taxes and expense comes up in the comments concerning the petition. That is expected, and yes, it going to cost. But, we need to look at the bigger picture concerning the petition and bigamist and why this law is important. Bigamist have caused many of their victims to fall into bankruptcy and devastation. Some victims suffer PTDD or other emotional problems. Some have had to go on welfare with children in tow. Some have had breakdowns and had to be treated by psychologist and psychologist. Not to mention the judicial system that has to deal with or prosecute the bigamist. Now, who do you think is paying for all these problems? The taxpayers! I think it would be interesting research to find out much our taxpayers money is going to support the above causes. I personally would rather see my tax dollars spent in efforts to save potential victims of bigamist.

The argument concerning invasion of privacy with this petition, I don't quite understand, but Cicero apparently does. Ya think maybe he has something to hide and this could expose him? For all we know, he, himself could be a bigamist, or Identity theft could be in his background and could be a problem. Don't be fooled by ToThePeoples blog, as the appearance looks like an intelligent blog at first sight, but this is what I call the Dr. Jeckle & Mr. Hide effect. Personally I think it is a silk screen that is used like a spiders web to catch and prey upon unsuspecting victims. In this particular case, it happens to be Sandra Phipps, who so passionately cares about this important cause and petition, and being a victim of bigamy herself, sadly gets smeared with anger and hate, lies and so much more in her efforts to help others. She is a brave one, and Cicero and his group could never hold a candle to her in comparison, as she exhibits backbone and character and moral values, while they have none of these attributes. Their behavior shows traits of sociopath and psychopath behavior, not to mention criminal behavior. Fighter, over at also did a blog exposing Cicero and his cyberbullying behavior, and has several more links to the story, if you are interested in learning more about it.

Other types of cyberbullies attack because they are friends with another cyberbully (many times they run in groups.) And joining the war with the other cyberbully also helps feed his attention level as well. And their attacks are unfounded and without any proof or research. They just dance their fingers around the keyboard in idiot style, thinking they know what they are doing. For example, James Landrith is a widely read and publicized blogger, and was attacked by Lord Matts blog, who did not have any of his facts straight, which made him look pretty stupid. James Landrith is very articulate and extremely bright, and came back on him here. Well, that didn't sit well with Lord Matt, and it was quite an embarrassment for him also, so another blog appeared. (Actually two). And James Landrith, quick as a wink, penned and published this blog. Make sure you read the first two links in James blog concerning this. The second blog is just down right comical, and consist of nothing but name calling. I am not kidding. An entire page of name calling, that Lord Matt had to dream up and evidently probably spent a lot of time thinking about. Maybe the words he used will work as keywords in searches with google, perhaps.

Then you can get these people that are coming after you, and you have to question yourself if they are true cyberbullies. They may have been convinced by their cyberbully friends that they are better than "the cats meow", and that they are lucky to know them, and the cyberbully gives them attention and kindness. So, they really do not know any better and are sticking up for their most wonderful friend. Admirable trait, and these people in the long run, generally get hurt. They believe in this cyberbully so much, they really think what they are doing is justified. In all reality, these people are probably very lonely and need a friend and found what they think is a good and wonderful friend with the cyberbully. For example, this particular blogger defends a cyberbully here and also chooses to go farther with her support here She also started this thread. And she did this all for her wonderful friend, which just happens to be a cyberbully. She has another blog on myspace, and after reading all her blogs (they are not that long or that many) my opinion is that she is a lonely girl and needs friends, and has what she thinks is a kind friend, which in all actuality is a cyberbully. If you read her blogs, you will understand why I formed this opinion, and will leave it at that. Maybe this blog will generate some traffic her way. I fear in the long run, she will be hurt.

Cyberbullying has reached epidemic levels on the Internet, and is becoming more of a problem each day. It is actually very frightening, and laws need to be implemented. We all need to watch out, as we don't always know "What Lies Beneath?"

Katie Fairchild

Investigated by yngathrrt @ 8:36 PM
Link To The Evidence| 6 thought(s)
Agent's Notes for: 1. Examples Of Cyberbullies
Wow. I...just... Wow. I had read Cyberpath's post about cyberbullying but I didn't actually go to the blog he was writing about. I took a little look see and I could barely stomach reading the whole thing.

Sandra's reply was graceful and well thought out but the response she got was nothing short of a drive by flip off. Instead of making any reasonable argument as to why they don't agree with the legislation or even why he felt the need to insult her character, the blogger just continues to rub salt in the wound with more cussing out.

A long time ago, I wrote a blog about something called psychic vampires. A psychic vampire is pretty much a fancy name for drama queen (or king). What these types of people do is go off and stir up trouble with others not so much for the attention but for the energy rush they get when they are in conflict with others. They feed off of that negative energy. That's why after dealing with one you often feel very tired. That's because they just sucked all of your energy away and when they've drained you, they move on to the next victim.

Perhaps that's what's going on here. I'll have to find that post because I think it had a couple of links that you might find interesting.

Hi Indigo,

It really was awful and so uncalled for within those comments. I guess Cicero does not understand how to maturely comment.

Yes, Indigo, I would be very interested in the blog dealing with psychic vampires. If you find it, please send it to me. You know I am always interested in abusive behavioral problems.

Thanks for commenting, and BTW, my new blog looks great. You are just so smart!!


I checked out a couple of the links you posted and was floored by what I read.

It sounds like the people posting on the TtP blog are very young. They may have gotten their college education, but have no real life experience. They've probably never been hurt by someone's lies. They must live in a very black and white world, where there are no shadows that hide deceitful words or hurtful emotional games.

When they grow up and see first hand the damage their words can inflict on others, or how behavior like theirs can damage someone they love, they may begin to understand how easy it is to become a victim of someone like them (or worse).

It is a wonderful thing to be idealistic and full of the belief that everything we learned in school can be translated directly to life in the real world. But unfortunately, the world changes faster than the text books can keep up, and professors forget to tell their students that the books are guidelines only, that things are different outside the hallowed halls of academia.

There is also an extreme lack of responsibility shown by these people. They were raised by parents who never put the brakes on inappropriate behavior, because someone said it would stunt their emotional growth.

Unfortunately, an out-of-control boulder rolling down a steep cliff needs to be stopped or diverted before it starts an avalanche and destroys lives. It is the same with bad behavior. Children need to learn what is and is not appropriate behavior before they become bullies, because those bullies can indeed destroy lives.

I forgot to mention in my comment that we are also experiencing a HUGE deficit in compassion and tolerance. People find it's much easier to only think of themselves, than to think of how their actions may affect another. Like the jerk who parks on the line in the parking spot, but doesn't care that the person in the next vehicle can't get in or out of their car.

It's easier to call people filthy names, or to ignore them instead of hearing them out and understanding why they may feel the way they do. It doesn't mean everyone will end up agreeing with each other, but it makes us all better people to listen and consider other viewpoints.

You are so right Ms. Karen, and I appreciate your comments. You sound like me, as it is apparent that you have been thinking on this for a few days. I could hardly sleep the first few days I read all this trash, before I blogged about it. And it just made me so mad. Fighter at Cyberpaths blog, yesterday did a blog about Internet use, and it is so interesting, and points out about how people use the Internet concerning all ways, to include evil deceitful ways. Excellent research was done on this.

Cicero from TtP needs to learn many life lessons, if he is even capable of doing so. His behavior is very destructive, and my opinion is he needs to be exposed.


Hi Sandra,

I hope life is better and that you are feeling better. I was so sorry to hear that you had been in the hospital. And I would not be surprised if all this mess did not attribute to your having a bleeding ulcer. I know it must have been horrible to read all that.

As far as "is it worth it?" Nothing comes easy I think when we fight with such passion toward a worthy cause, and probably more so for you as you had been a victim yourself, (whichs makes you fight so hard, and that is admirable.) The fact that many victims might be saved from what you are doing, in my eyes, makes it worth it, if it were me. Yet, on the same token, I cannot put my feet in your shoes, nor experience the hurtful emotions you and Ms. Roberts have been through.

Whatever you decide to do, I stand behind you and appreciate all you have done and think you are a most admirable person. If I can be of any help, let me know and I will try.

Good luck with your endeavors, and there are many, many people who think what you are doing is wonderful.


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