ss_blog_claim=27c167cdb8f8a240a14959527b4317db Trolls, Flame Wars & CyberStalkers: 8. TROLLS ARE MAKING THEIR MARK ON THE INTERNET
Saturday, October 21, 2006
AS promised, here is my blog on a great deal of information for those that are looking to understand troll behavior.

In my research concerning TROLLS (and other Internet horrors that fall closely) I often find myself back at WIKEPEDIA for many reasons, as they explain so much, and when they do, pretty much explain what I already think, but need some validation. So, pretty much, this blog is what I have found on Wikepedia, and while several links are given, I hope to summarize this in some degree.

The thing about Wikepedia, is when you go for some explanation, they lead you much farther and expand so that you understand much better. Well, at least for me. I use several keyword to search for things in my curiosity of my goals to understand. One of my keywords was INTERNET SUICIDE as I was hoping to further my knowledge of the statistics of people who have actually committed suicide due to Internet reasons. Which will be something I write about in another blog. Frightening stuff!

But, since I have been thinking about blogging about trolls in general and what it all means, I found myself at this link which is broken down into so much. For example, the Internet terminology of what a troll is. I think any of us that have encountered one, we have a good idea, yet for those that question this, the story of THE THREE BILLY GOATS GRUFF tells a great story as written in folklore and in children's fairy tales, of the troll sitting in wait under the bridge who did not at all like negative reaction to any outsiders intruding on what he felt his personal domain and stomping grounds, especially anyone who intended to graze where his grass was green and the parties did not have permission to cross their path! At least without consequences. Things really have not changed that much as far as INTERNET TERMINOLOGY concerning the troll, as the troll is still pretty ugly here and very GRUFF and threatening. They are usually found in public places on the Internet, such as public forums, message boards, chat rooms, discussion forums, etc., and exhibit behavior that is not quite apparent at first view (or views), but as time goes on, it is easy to see that their posts are rude, many times inflammatory, rude, repetitive, offensive, and as you recognize them more, it is easy to see that their post are off-topic, many times with disruptive messages with the intent to annoy, or antagonize existing members, yet at the same time manipulating members to convince them that others are trolls. It is a very vicious circle, and it works real well.

Many times, these trolls are SOCK PUPPETS where they come in as many alias, (Screen names and ID's and many times find away to use different IP addresses) and use this route well to deceive others to thinking they are the kinder ones, while in all actuality, they are the same one you have already encountered and lost trust in, so they just come back as a new one. While many times they may be hard to recognize, yet if an experienced user on the Internet, some times you can figure them out without much trouble as they come right back into the same boards with more experience than you would think of a "NEWBIE" and they seem to know just where to go and have an idea of the site's discussions, methods and members and rules, and finds the boards that are discussing similar things as the troll you are already concerned about. They even come in with names that are close or similar to the names they used (or still use) before. Yet, on the same token, if you do not have experience recognizing this, they can easily hide in the dark due to Internet technology with proxies, where they can come in without being recognize and the web servers sees them as someone they have never seen before with a new IP address and new location. There is just so much to this, and other horrors available concerning trolls under the link above given, which I think very valuable should be read. Other things that are discussed under this link is STRAWMAN sockpuppet, MEATPUPPET, DANK, and other valuable terms. Their is just so much on the Internet when it comes to trolls, as they come before our screens and interrupt our lives in so many ways, and go by many definitions. More definitions I even knew about until I clicked almost every link available.

And trolls many times hold positions to well known sites such as forum MODERATORS, and this is very scary.

A moderator in a nutshell is someone that has earned the trust of the site owner and has been granted special powers to enforce the rules of the site. Powers such as moving discussions to different sections, or "Lock and Close" discussions so that subjects do not need to be discussed anymore for the good of the site, or the postings are out of hand, etc. Pretty much, it is an administrative duty designed to help and enforce rules and conduct of the site in question. Depending on the site owner, the moderator is allowed to voice opinions and get into debates. And it is BAD NEWS when a moderator themselves turn out to be the worst trolls on the site, as it can possibly bring the site down. Especially when they have the power to edit or delete post for their own personal gain, not to mention ban members just because they do not like them, or worse, have before them all personal information, emails, phone numbers, etc., which they can (AND WILL) use if needed, no matter who it hurts in the long run, to include the site itself and any staff personnel involved.

And with trolls, THE TRADEGY OF COMMONS many times comes into play. This is very difficult to explain, but it is an excellent read, especially in relationship to trolls. Another great read to this is Some understanding is this by Garrett Hardin "Therein is the tragedy. Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limit—in a world that is limited. Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all."

Sadly, yet so widely seen now on the Internet, trolls are vicious and destructive and run circles or circles around us. Their intent, never seen at first, but in the long run, is to disrupt forum and other Internet communities with inflammatory, ugly, sarcastic content in efforts to draw attention or engage in a heated confrontation. When people in forums post sincere messages concerning themselves, many times the troll will come in as understanding, and then come at you later as he thought you had their trust, but you may have made the mistake of arguing or disagreeing with them. And probably, he/she will not be alone. Although you questions his or her ways, he/she has already convinced others that you have singled them out and will make up anything and everything to convince them so. And it is an easy task for the troll, as they can come off so sincere and play the victim so well, and you are now the evil one, you are the troll. Many times the gangs with the trolls are good people and do not know any difference why they themselves fall victim to the same troll. But many of the gangs are trolls themselves, and ready to drink the life out of you right through your computer screen and sleep well at night with what they did!! The Internet troll behavior is like growing weed all other the Internet, and I expect it to flourish more each day.

I could go on and on about the Internet troll and what it has done to innocent victims and leaves bitterness in so many mouths so to speak. They can and will disrupt and bring down good sites, they can and will place members against members where flame wars evolve. They can and will convince many people that they are the victims so that others cannot see the real victims. They can and will destroy lives and businesses and make people questions friends they have known on the Internet for years. They give us all a reason to distrust every one, and to me that is so sad! It is not a new disease or what I call pretty much a virus on the Internet, but one that is becoming more profound to our computers. It is devastating. And needs constant investigation and reporting on. Self policing may or may not be the answer for some sites, but we have to start somewhere.

I want to write on this everyday of what I have seen so far personally and in my searches concerning it, but it will take more than my lifetime to get a hold on this. Others need to stop this like a sickness, or at least be aware and have some knowledge on it. It is a scary issue.

I hope this has educated some of how this is getting out of hand and control with trolls and "What Lies Beneath?" with them.

PS, if there need to be any editing to this, I will do it tomorrow. As right now, I am going to bed and hope that I do not dream of trolls!

Investigated by yngathrrt @ 11:04 PM
Link To The Evidence| 1 thought(s)
It's sad to think that these people even have their own entry in Wikipedia. It isn't as though they didn't exist before the onset of the internet, they just had a much more limited scope of the people they could hurt.

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