Sunday, August 26, 2007
Case# 24 Internet Abusers! The Word Is Out In Protecting Your Victims!
Last night, I decided to do something new, something challenging. I decided to try to make my blog more available within the Cyber blog communities. My reasons had to deal with others encouragement to promote my blog. It may have been a mistake on my part to even try, but hey, I am always up to a new challenge. I found out through my efforts that I actually was being stalked by a member on a popular blogging site that is wonderful in promoting individual blogs, and through my quest a certain someone was parked there. Keep in mind, this particular blogger has over and over called me a stalker, and has sworn up and down publicly that the police is after me. (By the way, I no longer mention names, yet I am sure many can guess who I speak of!) This person found my user name of what I tried so hard to conceal due to worries of concernng their stalking behavior, yet somehow my link was available to this individual. Now I am forced to really re think what I say and do on the Internet concerning this individual. And think I did for a long time!Actually, I have to re think many things, as past victims of this particular stalker have come to terms with their particular horrors concerning this, and have even allowed themselves to forgive this stalker, as well in a sense, promote the stalker. And I really appreciate and applaud them for this. I am not ready to do this yet, and I hope to explain why within this blog.
Why? I guess it goes back to personal encounters verified by others long before I even entered the picture. Not only that, but it goes back to the day (or days) where and when I spent a great deal of time in writing about PSYCHOPATH & SOCIOPATH DISORDERS & BEHAVIOR, and where I was illiterate on the subject at one point, finally facing it is what lead me to the why of writing about it. And glad I did as it has taught me so much concerning dealing with this type of behavior.
Psychopath and Sociopath behavior deals in great detail with the subject at hand, and which by the way keeps my blog alive and well everyday due to the number of constant visitors reading daily this particular blog. (I hope they do not mind finding it twice!) From reading my stats count, it is evident that Psychopath and Sociopath behavior is a major problem everywhere within the real world as well as the Internet world.. I hope to at least educate possible victims to this by keeping readers aware of these important subject matters dealing with this behavior!
OK. Ok, back to the WHY? Just pretend this is the TV show of JEOPARDY! You can be the judge! The category is what is a sociopath or psychopath. The answer is the same!
Who has the inability to accept or recognize social norms?
Who deals in repeated lying, being deceitful or uses many aliases, yet if discovered on one, just happens to find another alias while using the same game plan of being conning and manipulative to others in order of personal or pleasure profit and gain?
Who has a lack of remorse and irresponsibility concerning others, and then rationalize their behavior within their minds, disregarding the ones they have hurt, mistreated and many times destroyed?
Who posses a narcissism behavior or grandiosity, the need of admiration from others, yet total lack of empathy for others? Let me explain this more so that the game players will not be confused. Concerning GRANDIOSITY
Who concerning Internet abusers have a personality behavior where they crave and feed upon constant need for attention, and are not happy at all when they are not the center of attention. Their writings are displayed in impressionistic form, and lacking of details, yet get very angry if questioned on this?
Whose behavior is manipulative and self centered, yet hard to recognize at first until you personally get to know the them, and the destruction they have caused? (HINT! The psychopath troll or abuser makes a point in provocative comments in order that emotional responses will be given by others. And many times when responses are given, they challenge the conversation, many times breaking the rules of chat or forum board, therefore being banned, and then cry VICTIM and go back in under a new identity.)
Who, especially on the Internet shows behavior of asking for forgiveness at times to win their game, and change their stories so that others will read it, using words of " I made a mistake", instead of telling the entire story? (HINT~ Keep in mind the problem is that others are now questioning their behavior, and reading about it via the Internet as the abuser is not forming a new game plan, and they must do something to change the results of what is going on as it is starting to look bad for them. The attention they are getting now is not what they wanted or hoped for, so they must ask for some type of forgiveness. It is part of the game!)
Who turns out to be superficial and glib to you now, yet when you first met them they came across as very charming, intelligent and articulate individuals?
Who are very aware about you and what other people find appealing and interested in concerning you, and work diligently to present themselves in these favorable ways toward you, yet they tell tons (lies) of stories about themselves and their achievements and their attention need is fed when others think and believe on them, never knowing any better?
Who is recognized as Egocentric~Total self-centered and under the unrealistic opinion that what everything and everyone does (or should do) revolves around them?
Who has a superiority complex to the rest of society and thinks and feels that they should not be questioned or concerned about their reasons of why they are guilt free when it comes to violating all rules. That they have the right to be arrogant, boastful, controlling, not to mention COCKY?
Who have you discovered to be manipulative and total deceitful, and now recognize their greatest talent is lies and then more lies, yet they still continue to carry on with their deception even when caught? (Being caught is no big deal to them, even when confronted, as they just alter the details of their story as someone will believe them, and they count on this!)
Who totally lacks any guilt, remorse, empathy or emotions in their behavior and does not have any ability to step into another's shoes", or relate to how the pain they have inflicted upon others is devastating? (HINT! In the psychopath, they rationalize all they do and therefore do not feel any remorse or pain and possible destruction that they caused to others.)
Who exhibits impulsive behavior which is evident that revolves around then of the here and now , pretty much "living for the moment in time", and seeks instant total gratification, where the giving is none on their side of the coin, and little or non consideration is given to the consequences of their actions?
Who lacks total responsibility and reliability in their behavior, and has no understanding or even cares about social goals when it comes to commitments, obligations, rules, or life in general to a degree, and cannot be counted on for anything, especially when making and breaking promises is not a problem with them, regardless of how it affects others? (HINT! As long as it does not affect them, they are good to go!)
Who has shown behavior problems that can be red flags existing before early adulthood, with problems evident now of their adulthood of constant lying, cheating, bully behavior, violence, and the list can go on?
Who has shown adult antisocial behavior, where after closer looking they come across as a spoiled child, with examples of standards and rules have no importance to them and as children they do as they please with no thoughts of how it will affect others . (HINT! While their ways might not be criminal, they are most definite immoral. Their self centered goals are still the same, to think only of themselves and disregard how it affects others. )
Who has shown more problems that I did not even mention here, but readers with experience knows the answer as they have been there, done that, and knows the answer to the question? (and feels embarrassed that they know the answer to it. DON'T BE, just realize it now)
In ending concerning Psychopath and Sociopath behavior, I wanted to point out just a few more things that I have read concerning this. (As well as personal experience and others that have contacted me concerning this.)
These people and their behavior exhibit poor emotional intelligent, lack of conscience and unable to feel attached to people except in their own terms of their personal value. They usually start a relationship with others, and will invite the victim to participate in their game. (Sadly, the victim has no idea of the rules). They display a Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde personality. In other words, they play the part of the role to rope one in, so that they can get what they want! They have no conscience and their biggest goal is for their gratification only. They come from all walks and talks of life, making it easy to fool the victims. It is hard to spot one at first. And when spotted by someone else, they cry VICTIM, and really think they are, as we do not understand them! They play games, hoping us to become a token in their play, and sadly many times without us even knowing it, we do become tokens in their games. Yet, when we see the rules are out of order and we do not want to play by their rules, we become a subject of their vengeance. And this is very scary! While the majority of us do tell some little white lies, and feel some guilt on this, the psychopath and the sociopath cannot or will not discriminate why it is that they lie, cheat or steal. With them, no one matters, and it could be you as a friend to them, family, but most likely you will feel in the end SUCKER! I am hoping this blog will stop your SUCKER effect, but no guaranties are made on this.
I am sure that you as a reader have figured out all the answers to this made up game of mine resembling Jeopardy. And that in the long run brings reality into view. (Remember it could be you as the victim here!) Don't play this game, especially if you see signs from the examples given. Trust me, there are many honest people and caring souls within the Internet and in your reality world that will never give you the opportunity to answer these questions with a yes, or "I know someone life this!" This blog is only a warning tool, and I hope it at least helped one person. Maybe it was you! Bottom line of this blog was for one to know what really "Lies Beneath!"
Agent's Notes for: 24 Internet Abusers! The Word Is Out In Protecting Your Victims!
- Logged in @ Monday, 27 August, 2007 | By
If it prevents even one person from falling for a predators game, I so go for it and market the blog as much as you can.
Daria :)
- Logged in @ Wednesday, 29 August, 2007 | By Karen
Some will ride the coattails of the bully and support the behavior by remaining friendly throughout all the trials and tribulations. However, what they're really getting is a charge out of the whole mess.
There are those who have been damaged through past relationships and can only identify with abusive behavior being directed at them, or someone close to them.
Others will surreptitiously dig the hole deeper for the sociopath to fall into, and inwardly revel in the mischief they have caused, while outwardly giving solace and sympathy to the "injured" bully.
It's almost like they feed off each other.
Katie, please DO market your blog. The real victims of psychopaths and sociopaths need to know they're not alone and there are those who are willing and able to help them. Be careful, though. You're doing a good job and there are folks who don't like it.
- Logged in @ Monday, 10 September, 2007 | By
Try to ignore this "dead flower" - she's an idiot. You're not!